Thursday, November 17, 2005


Do you know what I hate?
All those damn news shows like “A Current Affair” or “Today Tonight”, they give me the shits. As if it wasn’t bad enough that they go around trying to ruin the things you love, they also have the nerve to say at the end “Have a good night.”
How can we have a good friggin night when you’ve just told us that what we are having for dinner is going to kill us in a few years? I would rather not know. Like this one night: Do you know what you’re drinking when you have a juice? I had to change the channel right away as juice is just about the only healthy thing I have for lunch now-a-days so naturally I had to keep whatever secret they had from my lunch payer (my old man).
But at least they haven’t sunk as low as reality TV. Big Brother, Australian Idol, Dancing With The Stars (again dammit), The Mole and The Amazing Race are just a few I can name of the top of my head… don’t the networks get it? All the angry mobs actually mean something. I mean if we wanted to watch reality TV we would film ourselves and then laugh at our misfortunes.
But the one which gets my blood boiling is Big Brother. As if being number one in my personal top 10 worst ever shows list wasn't bad enough, it also had the nerve to take the place of my precious Simpson’s. I hope you like being on at 7.00 Mr Big Brother but you will never be as good as the Simpson’s. EVER. Thankfully Everybody Loves Raymond came in and took its rightful place at said time.
(This whole blog was written bourbon free (not alcohol free)... I would like to thank my friend who recommended those AA meetings, they’re working a treat.)


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